주제별 단어모음

2008. 3. 31. 20:39일반/역사·영어·컴퓨터

주제별 단어모음


약혼 : an engagement
약혼을 파기하다 : call off(break) an engagement
혼전 관계 : a premarital relationship
결혼 : marriage, matrimony
신랑들러리 : best man
cf.신부들러리: brides maid
결혼기념일 : a wedding anniversary
혼인신고 : a marriage registration
결혼중매 : matchmaking
중혼(이중결혼) : bigamy
cf.일부다처: polygamy
간통 : adultery
간통하다 : to commit adultery with somebody, to have an affair with somebody, to cheat
정부 : mistress
근친상간 : incest
이혼 : divorce
별거수당 : alimony
양육권 : custody
ex) joint custody : 공동 양육권

* have(get) cold feet
: 결혼을 앞두고 주저하고 망설이는 것을 나타냄
* wedding jitter


기실, 객실 : cabin
안전벨트 : seat belt
안전벨트를메다 : to fasten the seat belt
비상산소마스크 : emergency oxygen mask
화장실 : lavatory
수화물 선반 : overhead compartment
창가쪽 자리 : window seat opp. 통로쪽 자리 : aisle seat
비상구 : emergency exit
동체 : fuselage, hull
동체착륙 : belly landing
조종실 : cockpit
휴대수화물 : carry-on luggage(baggage)
ex) You are allowed to carry on one piece of baggage which must fit in an overhead compartment or under a passenger seat.
출발 : departure opp. arrival
이륙하다 : to take off opp. land
난기류 : turbulence
고도 : altitude
맞바람 : head wind opp. tail wind
승무원 : flight attendant, steward/stewardess
편명 : flight number
항공회사 : airlines ex) Asiana airlines
coach : economy class의 다른 표현.
an economic class of passenger accommodations on a commercial airplane or a train.


임신하다 : to be pregnant
ex) My wife is pregnant and the baby is due in May.
입덧 : morning sickness
ex)When you become pregnant, you get morning sickness.
제왕절개 : caesarian section, C section
피임 : contraception
정관절제수술 : vasectomy
산아제한 : birth control
콘돔 : condom, rubber
(먹는) 피임약 : the pill ex) I'm on the pill.
성병 : a venereal disease, VD, STD(Sexually Transmitted Disease)
ex) He's got VD last month.
하룻밤 정사 : one-night stand ex) I've never had a one-night stand.
대리모 : surrogate mother
불임의 : sterile, barren( a devalueing word for sterile)
성교불능 : impotence
유산 : abortion
매춘 : prostitution
창녀 : a whore, a hooker, a call girl, a prostitute
포주 : pimp
to get laid : to have sex의 slang


부음,사망기사 : obituary
ex) I read your grand mother's obituary on the newspaper
cf) obit ; v. 죽다 >> 약어로 ob. (ob. 1950 ; 1950년에 죽다)
유언 : one's will, one's dying wish
유언을 실행하다 : administer(carry out) one's will
영안실 : mortuary cf) morgue
장례(식) : a funeral ceremony, a funeral service
ex) to attend a funeral 장례식에 참여하다
장례차 : a funeral car, a hearse
장례행렬 : a funeral procession
상속(재산), 유산 : inheritance 상속세 : inheritance taxes
상속인, 후계자 : an heir, an inheritor
송덕문 : eulogy cf) encomium, panegyric
관 : a coffin, a casket
장의사 : an undertaker's shop, a funeral parlor, a funeral home
장의사(人) : (a person whose job is to arrange funerals)
a funeral director, an undertaker, mortician
화장하다 : cremate
화장터 : crematorium
묘지 : cemetery, burial ground
비석 : grave stone, tombstone
embalm : to treat a dead body with chemicals, oils etc to prevent it from decaying. 시체를 방부처리하다.
cf) mummify ; 미이라로 만들다.

Investigation #1

심문 : interrogation
단서 : clue
동기 : motive
압수하다 : confiscate
ex) If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will be confiscated.
몸수색 : frisk
ex) A policeman pushed him up against the wall and frisked him.
cf. strip-search : 발가벗기고 몸수색하다. 또는 그 명사 ex) He was strip-searched for drugs.

모함하다 : framed, set somebody up
ex) He told the court that the police tried to frame him for assault.
모함 : a set up
공범 : an accomplice
거짓말 탐지기 : a lie detector, polygraph
증거를 심다 : to plant the evidence
undercover : 비밀정보수짐(간첩활동)에 종사하는, 비밀의 ex) undercover FBI agents.
증인보호프로그램 : witness protection program

Investigation #2

사건현장 : crime scene
용의자 : suspect ref. a prime suspect : 유력한 용의자
미행하다 : to follow, to tail ex) He couldn't trust her so he had her tailed.
검시 : autopsy ref. 검시관 : coroner
지문 : finger print ex) The police were taking finger prints at the crime scene.
증거를 수집하다 : gather(collect) evidence ref. 증거인멸 : destruction of evidence
잠복근무 : stake out ex) Jason was on a stake out last night.
수색하다 : search ref. 수색영장 : a search warrant
체포하다 : arrest, apprehend ex) The police apprehended the killer yesterday.
방탄조끼 : bullet proof vest
소환장 : subpoena
지원 : back up ex) He called for back up.
미끼 : decoy, bait ex) We'd have to use a decoy to catch the killer.


버스전용차선 : bus lane
신호등 : traffic light
횡단보도 : crosswalk
무단횡단하다 : jaywalk 人. jaywalker
사거리 : intersection
고가도로 : overpass
교차로 : junction
우회로 : bypass, detour
ex) the traffic had to make a detour due to construction.
갓길 : shoulder
속도제한 : speed limit
속도위반 : speeding ex) I got a ticket for speeding.
일방통행로 : one-way street
교통혼잡 : traffic jam
ex) Sorry for being late. I was stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway for 3 hours.
우선통행권 : (the) right of way
ex) I never know who has the right of way at this junction.

Things on Skin

여드름 : acne - an inflammatory disease of the oil glands, causing pimple esp. on a face pimple - a small swelling of the skin, occasionally containing pus.
주근깨 : freckle
티눈 : corn
비듬 : dandruff, scurfy
두피 : scalp
물집 : (water) blister ex) If your shoes are too tight, you may get blisters on your feet.
고름 : pus
종기 : boil ex) It's unwise to squeeze a boil to force the pus out.
곪다 : fester
괴저 : gangrene - death and decay of tissue in a bodily part usu. a limb due to failure of blood supply, injury or disease.
발진 : rash ex) The heat brought her out in a red itchy rash.
땀띠 : a heat-rash
못(피부의) : callus
붓다 : swell ex) She sprained her ankle and it swelled up.
동상 : frostbite, chilblain ex) Mountain climbers suffer from severe frostbite in the winter.
마비된 : numb ex) The injection will numb your gum for a while.
사마귀 : wart

Travelling by air

짐싸다 : to pack
목적지 : destination
일정 : itinerary
ex) The next place on you itinerary was the Eiffel tower.
기념품 : souvenir
예약하다 : reserve
예약확인 : confirm cf. 재확인: reconfirmation
ex) You are required to reconfirm your flights at least 72 hours prior to your scheduled departure.
세관 : the customs cf. 세관검사 : customs inspection
세관을 통과하다 : to get through(pass) customs
세금 : duty, tax
면세점 : duty free shop
수화물 찾는 곳 : baggage claim area
신고하다 : declare
ex) Do you have anything to declare.
jet lag : 시차로 인한 피로. 시차병
ex) I came back from Paris 2 days ago but I'm still jet-lagged.


고소(소송)하다 : to accuse, to file a law suit, to prosecute, to take legal proceedings.
소송을 기각하다 : dismiss a case
심리, 공청회 : hearing
deposition : testimony under oath esp. a statement by a witness that is written down or recorded for use in court
법정 : courtroom
군법회의 : court martial
변호사 : lawyer, counselor, attorney
판사 : judge ref. 판사석 : bench
검사, 검찰관 : prosecutor ref. 검찰당국 : the prosecution
지방법원 : district court ref. 지방검사 : D.A (District Attorney)
선서 : oath
ex) swear an oath on the Bible : 성서에 걸고 맹세하다
ex) on(under) oath : 성서에 선서하고
증거 : evidence
살인무기 : murder weapon
목격자, 증인 : witness ref. 증인석 : witness stand
증언하다 : testify n. testimony
위증하다 : perjure oneself, to commit perjury n. perjury
자백 : confession
정당방위 : self defense ex) She killed the intruder in self defense.
법정모독 : contempt of court
판결 : ruling, verdict, sentence
ex) The judge will deliver his verdict tomorrow.
사형선고 : a death sentence


마늘 : garlic
파 : green onion
부추 : leek
호박 : zucchini(초록색의 작고 길쭉한 호박), Pumpkin(노란빛의 둥근 호박)
강낭콩 : kidney beans
완두 : pea
배추 : bok choy, Chinese cabbage
당근 : carrot
cf) the stick and the carrot, carrot and stick : 상과 벌, 위협과 회유(정책)

가지 : eggplant, aubergine
버섯 : mushroom
* other meanings : 버섯같은, 갑자기 출세한
ex) a mushroom cloud : 핵폭발로 생기는 버섯모양의 구름
a mushroom millionaire : 졸부, 벼락부자

상추 : lettuce
무 : radish
시금치 : spinach
오이 : cucumber cf) as cool as a cucumber : 냉정한, 아주 침착한
생강 : ginger

Weather forecast

강수량 : precipitation

비 올 확률 : chance of rain

흐린 하늘 : cloudy skies

건조주의보 : dry weather warning

서리 : frost

우박 : hail

호우 : heavy rain

습도 : humidity a. humid

대체로 흐림 : mostly cloudy

가끔 흐림 : occasionally cloudy

소나기 : rain shower

일기예보 : weather forecast

폭풍우 : rainstorm

고기압 : anticyclone opp. 저기압 : depression

불쾌지수 : discomfort index

* 이슬비, 보슬비 : n. drizzle v. It drizzled all day.

* 진눈깨비 : sleet

* 기압골 : trough

Crimes #1

습격(하다) : assault, attack
ex) The gang assaulted him with iron bars.
폭행 : assault and battery
구타 : battery v. batter
ex) A karate expert battered a man to death.
강간 : rape 人. rapist : 강간범
살인 : homicide (과실치사를 포함한 넓은 의미의 살인)
* murder : a crime of deliberately killing someone.살인
ex) She is charged with the brutal murder of two young boys.
* manslaughter : a crime of killing someone illegally but not deliberately. 과실치사
절단하다 : sever
ex) His leg was severed with an axe.
연쇄살인자 : serial killer
모방범죄(자) : a copycat
교살 : strangulation v. strangle
ex) The victim had been strangled with nylon stockings.
질식사 : death from suffocation
암살자 : assassin, hit man
암살하다 : assassinate
slang) wack, hit....
ex) John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.
경범죄 : misdemeanor cf. felony : 중죄
위반 : breach ex) a breach of contract : 계약 불이행
위조 : forgery ex) a forged note : 위조지폐
횡령 : embezzlement v. embezzle
ex) The former president embezzled $78 million from company funds.
소매치기 : pickpocket
들치기 : shoplifting - to take sth from a shop without paying for it.
ex) I used to shoplift little things in supermarkets when I was young.

Crimes #2

사기 : fraud adj. fraudulent : 가짜의
밀수 : smuggling
ex) drug smuggling : 마약밀수
마약상 : a drug dealer
방화 : arson 人. arsonist : 방화범
불법침입 : trespass - 주로 남의 땅에 불법침입하는 것
forcible entry - 주로 남의 집에 불법침입하는 것 (breaking into sb's house)
ex) They were trespassing on private property.
No trespassing! : 무단침입금지.
강도질 : robbery, burglary
* rob : to take property from (a person or persons) illegally by using or threatening to use violence or force.
* burglarize : to enter and steal from (a building or other premises)
무장강도 : an armed robber, an armed burglar.
절도죄 : theft, larceny
강탈(한 돈) : extortion v. extort
유괴, 납치 : kidnapping, abduction
ex) He was arrested for abducting five-year old boy.
(공중) 납치 : hijack 人. hijacker
ex) Four men tried to hijack a plane but they failed.
인질 : hostage
인질로 잡다 : take(hold) somebody hostage
ex) A man with a gun held(took) a woman hostage.
몸값 : ransom
ex) The kidnapper successfully extorted $700,000 ransom for her release.
치한 : molester
성희롱 : sexual harassment
ex) She accused her boss of sexual harassment.
무단횡단 : jaywalking
명예훼손(죄) : libel
ex) The actor sued the paper for libel.
청소년비행 : juvenile delinquency
ref. 비행청소년 : a juvenile delinquent
중혼 : bigamy
ex) The man was charged with bigamy for having two wives.
밀렵군 : poacher
ex) The poacher was charged with trespassing.
아동학대 : child abuse, child molestation
ex) to abuse sb : to treat someone cruelly and violently


감기 : influenza, flu, cold
- 감기 걸리다. : to catch a cold
- 감기 걸려 있다. : to have a cold
common cold : a slight illness in which your throat hurts and it is difficult to breathe normally. (보통의) 감기
오한 : chill
재채기 : sneeze
기침 : cough ref. 기침약 : cough medicine
콧물이 나오는 코 : a runny nose
코를 풀다 : to blow one's nose
씨근거리다 : wheeze - to breathe with difficulty, making a whistling sound in your throat & chest. adj. wheezy
열 : fever adj. feverish
폐렴 : pneumonia ref. 급성폐렴 - acute pneumonia
천식 : asthma
편도선 : the tonsils 편도선이 붓다 : get(have) swollen tonsils.
가래 : phlegm 가래 기침 : productive cough
가래를 뱉다 : to cough up phlegm
결핵 : tuberculosis, TB
병균 : germ
ex) Germs cause many illnesses.
기관지염 : bronchitis
궤양 : ulcer
위궤양 : stomach ulcer, peptic ulcer
십이지장궤양 : duodenal ulcer
노이로제 : neurosis, nervous breakdown. adj. neurotic
노이로제에 걸리다 : suffer from neurosis
불면증 : insomnia, sleeplessnss. adj. or 人 : insomniac
편두통 : migraine
현기증 : dizziness, vertigo adj. dizzy
거식증 : anorexia - a mental illness that makes people, esp. young women stop eating.
대식증 : bulimia - an illness in which a person can't help themselves from eating too much and then vomits in order to control their weight. adj. bulimic
설사 : diarrhea
심장마비 : heart attack, cardiac arrest
뇌졸증 : stroke
ex) He was paralyzed by a severe stroke last month.
우울증 : depression
ex) I'm so depressed! Nobody likes me!
조울병 : manic-depressive psychosis.
adj. or 人 : manic depressive


교도소 : prison, jail, penitentiary ex) He's behind bars. = He's in prison.
교도소 소장 : governor, warden
독방 : cell ref. 감방동료 : cellmate
간수 : guard
죄수 : a convict, a prisoner, a jailbird
유죄를 선고하다 : convict ex) to convict a person of murder: 살인에 대해 유죄판결을 내리다.
종신형 : life (imprisonment) ex) She was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder.
사형수 감방 : death row
사형 : capital punishment, the death penalty ref. 사형집행 : execution
사형선고 : death sentence
가스실 : gas chamber
전기의자 : electric chair
복역하다 : to serve a sentence, to serve time, to do one's time ex) He is doing (serving) his time.
보석금 : bail ex) The high court set bail at $4,000.
전과자 : ex-convict, ex-con
가석방 : parole ex) He's on parole.
수감자 : inmate


배역 : cast

주연 : star, leading actor

주연하다 : to star in ex) She has starred in many pictures.

조연 : a supporting actor/actress

대사 : lines

장면 : scene

시사, 예고 : preview

각본 : scenario

대본 : script

매표소 : box-office, ticket office

줄거리 : plot

* 암표상 : (ticket) scalper ex) to scalper tickets, stocks, or bonds

* 즉흥연기(하다) : ad lib, ad libitum
cf) impromptu(즉흥의) ; an impromptu speech/new conference
improvise(즉흥연주하다) ; a talented musician able to improvise (on) the trumpet.
off-the-cuff (idiom. without previous thought or preparation; extemporaneously) ; make a remark off the cuff.



땀구멍 : pore
기미, 주근깨 : freckle
보조개 : dimple
주름 : wrinkle cf. crow's feet : 눈가의 주름
흉터 : scar
ex) He has a small scar on his forehead.
눈 : eye 눈꺼풀 : eye lid
to see eye to eye : (with sb)(on/about sth) IDM. 의견이 일치하다.
ex) Jim sees eye to eye with Carol on the abortion issue.
시력 : eye sight
시력이 좋다(나쁘다) : to have good(poor) eye sight
눈썹 : eye brow 속눈썹 : eye lash
코 : nose 콧구멍 : nostril 콧날 : bridge
to pay through the nose : (= to pay an arm & a leg) : ifml. to pay too much for sth. 바가지 쓰다.
ex) If you shop around, you won't have to pay through the nose.
to be nosy : to be interested in things which they do not concern.
꼬치꼬치 캐기 좋아하다.
턱 : chin ex) Chin up! : 기운내!
to take sth on the chin : to accept an unpleasant situation bravely and without making a lot of fuss. (패배, 역경 등을) 꾹 참고 견디다.
ex) The bad news was a real shock, but he took it on the chin.
이마 : forehead
광대뼈 : cheekbone
관자놀이 : temple
볼 : cheek
얼굴빛 : complexion 얼굴빛이 희다: to have fair complexion.


알코올 음료, 술 : liquor, booze(속어)

포도주 : wine
vermouth :약초로 맛을 낸 백포도주

맥주 : beer
* 저장맥주 : lager
순한 맥주 : mild
쓴 맥주 : bitter

양조하다 : brew 양조장 : brewery

증류하다 : distill

효모 : ferment 발효 : fermentation

금주운동 : a temperance movement
cf) temperate : 절주(節酒)하는, 중용의
sober : not affected by alcohol >> He drinks a lot but always seems sober.

금주중이다 : be on the wagon, quit drinking, be temperate
ex) I'm on the wagon

밀주 : moonshine

밀주를 만들다 : bootleg 밀주 만드는 사람 : bootlegger
cf) 물건을 밀수할 때는 smuggle (밀수품은 contraband), 음반, 책을 불법복제 할 때는 pirate을 쓴다.

선술집 : pub, tavern

알콜중독자 : alcoholic

갱생시설 : rehab, rehabilitation


 Car #1

핸들 : steering wheel
백미러 : side mirror cf. 룸미러 : rear view mirror
계기판, 다시보드 : dashboard
휘발유게이지 : fuel gauge/ gas gauge
glove compartment : a small shelf in a car in front of the passenger seat where small things such as maps can be kept.
자동차 조수석앞에 있는 잡물통.
사이드 브레이크 : hand brake, emergency brake
열선 : defroster
앞유리 : windshield cf. 뒷유리 : rear window
운전자석 : driver's seat cf. 조수석 : passenger's seat
경적 : horn
경적을 울리다 : to blow the horn, to honk the horn
헤드라이트 : head light cf. 미등 : tail light
경보기 : alarm, security system
속도계 : speedometer
방향지시등 : turn signal
ex) When you make a turn, switch on the turn signal first.
방향제 : air freshener

Car #2

gas mileage : 단위연료당 주행거리
ex) This car has great gas mileage.
시동을 걸다 : to start the engine
후진/후진하다 : reverse/to back up
ex) Before you back up, make sure there are no pedestrians behind you.
보행자 : pedestrian
pull over : 길가에 붙이다.(대다)
ex) A policeman pulled him over after he ran the red light.
ref. to run the red light : 신호위반하다.
운전면허증 : driver's license
차량번호 : registration number ref. 번호판 : license plate
보험 : insurance
ex) Is this car insured?
보험증서 : insurance policy
보험료 : (insurance) premium
정비공장 : an auto repair shop, a garage
정비, 유지 : maintenance, check up
ex) Regular maintenance is very important to keep your car in good condition.
견인하다 : tow
ex) If you park your car here, the police might tow it away.
VIN : Vehicle Identification number. 자동차등록번호


election day : 선거일
후보자 : candidate cf. 입후보 : candidacy
선거운동 : campaign
ex) During his election campaign, Clinton promised to put the economy back on its feet.
선거공약 : campaign pledge
유세하다 : canvass - to try to get information, support for a political party etc by going from place to place within an area and talking to people.
ex) We will have to canvass the entire area before the referendum.
유권자 : eligible voter
부동표 : floating vote, uncommitted vote
gerrymander : (선거구를) 자기당에 유리하게 고치다.
여론조사 : opinion poll(survey)
roorback : a false or slanderous story used for political advantage. (정적에게) 퍼붓는 중상적 허위선전.
mudslinging : 중상. 人. mudslinger : (정치적) 중상자.
ex) This political mudslinging has left many ordinary polls feeling confused.
입후보하다. : run (for election)
ex) How many candidates are running for the Presidential elections?
shoo-in : ifml. a sure winner. one with a sure chance of being chosen as for a job.
also-ran : one that is defeated, as in a competition, election or race.
선거에서 당선 가망이 없는 후보자.
on the bandwagon : 시류에 편승하다. 우세한 쪽에 붙다.
ex) Many conservative politicians have jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon.
투표하다 : vote cf. 투표율 : voting rate
부재자투표 : absentee voting
민주당 : Democratic Party cf. 공화당 : Republican Party
선거의 압승 : landslide - an overwhelming majority of votes for a political party or candidate. a great victory
(선거에) 압승하다 : to win a landslide victory in an election
lame duck : an elected officeholder or group remaining in office during the interval between failure to win an election and the inauguration of a successor. (임기가 남아있는) 낙선의원. 임기가 끝나면 피진하는 의원.
국민투표 : referendum
취임식 ; inauguration - formal induction into an office


apple : 사과 ref. Adam's apple : 후골
grape : 포도
grapevine : 1. 포도나무. ref. vineyard : 포도원. 포도밭
2. 정보망. 소문이 퍼지는 방법
ex) I heard on the grapevine that Mr. Lee would be our new supervisor.
lemon : 1. 레몬
2. 후진 것. 제 기능을 못하는 물건.
ex) He took a test drive and agreed that the car was a lemon.
peach : 1. 복숭아.
2. 멋진 것/ 사람. ex) That was a peach of a shot!
3. pinkish-orange color ex) a peaches and cream complexion : 맑고 부드러운 피부색.
pear : 배
plum : 1. 자두.
2. 탐나는 일. 보수가 많은 일(자리) ex) She's got a plum job in the BBC.
prune : 말린 자두.
fig : 무화과(나무)
pomegranate : 석류
apricot : 살구
raisin : 건포도
persimmon : 감
ref. 연시 : a soft (ripe) persimmon 홍시 : a red-ripe persimmon
watermelon : 수박
tangerine : mandarin orange. 귤.

School #1

입학 : entrance into a school cf. 졸업 : graduation
ex) I got into Harvard law school!
퇴학당하다 : to be expelled
ex) He was expelled from high school for selling drugs to other students.
dropout : 중도퇴학자. 낙제생
ex) a high school dropout.
to drop out : if someone drops out of college or a race, for example, they leave it without finishing what they started.
ex) She started doing an engineering degree but dropped out after only a year.
등록하다 : enroll, register
ex) Did you register for Accounting 211?
학기 : term
학점 : credit
ex) How many credits are you taking this semester?
평점 : GPA - Grade Point Average
an undergraduate : n. a student at a university or college who is studying for his or her first degree. 대학생. 학부재학생.
대학원 : graduate school
장학금 : scholarship
등록금 : tuition
ex) Tony's $9,500 tuition at University this year will be paid for with scholarships.
강의계획서 : syllabus
결석하다 : to be absent. slang. to play hooky, to cut class
ex) I played hooky today and went to see "Ronin" with James.
노트하다 : take notes
졸다 : doze off
ex) I dozed off in the history class.
선택과목 : elective (subject/course) cf. 필수과목 : required (subject/course)
낙제하다 : flunk
ex) Jerry flunked the chemistry class so he has to take it again.
무감독시험제도 : honor system
전공(하다) : major cf. 부전공(하다) : minor
ex) I'm majoring in Accounting and minoring in Japanese.
복수전공 : double major
(학기말) 리포트 : term paper

School #2

공립학교 : public school cf. 사립학교 : private school
기숙사 : dormitory, dorm
졸업생 : alumni
출석 : attendance
ex) Low attendance will affect your grade adversely.
청강(하다) : audit
ex) I audited Japanese class last semester and like the teacher very much.
벼락치기하다 : to cram - to prepare hastily for an impending exam.
ex) He had crammed for the test until 5 o'clock in the morning.
컨닝하다 : to cheat
ex) Larry got an F for the physics class because the professor caught him cheating.
중간고사 : mid-term (exam) cf. 기말고사 : final (exam)
시험해답용지 : blue book - a book with a blue cover that is used in American college writing answers to examination questions.
논문형식 시험 : an essay examination cf. 객관식 시험 : a multiple choice examination
구두시험 : oral examination. oral defense
ex) Tony gave his oral defense of his dissertation.
성적표 : report card
올 A : straight A's
성적증명서 : a transcript
학부 : departmernt
ex) The literature department : 문학부

School #3

학사학위 : bachelor's degree
석사학위 : master's degree ref. master's thesis : 석사논문
박사학위 doctoral degree ref. Ph. D's dissertation : 박사논문
졸업식, 학위수여식 : commencement - a ceremony at which university, college, or high school students receive their diplomas.
학장 : dean
dean's list : a list of the best students at a university
ex) He studies very hard. He was on the dean's list last semester.
교수진 : faculty
ex) the faculty of Social & Political Science.
조교수 : an assistant professor cf. 부교수 : an associate professor
수업조교 : an teaching assistant. T.A.
동창회 : homecoming. reunion
ex) I met my old friends at my high school reunion yesterday.
student union : a building on a college campus with facilities for social and organizational activities.
학생회 : student council
class : a group of people who finish their studies at school or university in a particular year.
ex) The class of '92.
fraternity : a chiefly social organization of male college students usually designated by Greek letters.
남자 대학생 사교클럽. cf. sorority : 여자 대학생 사교클럽
rush : 남녀대학생 사교클럽이 신입생 환영을 위해 여는 파티
학생증 : a student's identification card. an ID card.


시동을 걸다 : to start the engine
후진하다 : reverse
ex) The driver put the car into reverse and backed into the parking space.
안전벨트를 메다 : to fasten the seat belt, to buckle up
브레이크를 밟다 : to step on the brake
속력을 내다 : to accelerate, to hit the gas, to step on the gas, to floor it. opp. to slow down
a lead-footed person : someone who tends to drive very fast.
ex) He is lead-footed. = He has a lead foot.
음주운전 : drunk driving
ex) Tom was arrested for drunk driving.
(주로 차가 사람을) : run over
ex) Jim was run over by a car yesterday. His leg is seriously injured.
run the red light : 빨간불에 그냥 지나가다.
ex) Ted got a ticket for running the red light.
미끄러지다 : skid - to slide side ways suddenly on a surface covered with ice, oil etc.
ex) The car skidded and smashed into the fence.
충돌하다 : collide
ex) The truck and the bus collided.
정면충돌 : a head-on collision
이중주차하다 : to double-park - to park alongside another vehicle already parked parallel to the curb.
ex) Hurry! I'm double-parked.
딱지떼다 : to get a ticket
자가용 운전사 : chauffeur - a person employed to drive a private automobile
운전면허시험 : driving test


infant : a very young child or baby
toddler : a very young child who is just learning to walk
기저귀 : diaper
ex) I used to change my sister's diapers.
diaper rash : sore skin between baby's legs and on its buttocks caused by a wet diaper.
potty train : to teach child to used a potty or toilet. 아기에게 변기쓰는 법을 가르치는 것.
n. potty training. toilet training.
어린이용 변기 : potty
이유식 : baby food
유모차 : a baby carriage, stroller
젖병 : a milk bottle
모유 : breast milk 모유를 먹이다. : to breast-feed
이가 나다 : cut a teeth. ex) The baby is cutting its teeth.
cf. 이를 갈다. : to lose one's baby teeth
ex) My son is just losing his baby teeth.
요람 : cradle, nursery
유모 : nanny - a woman whose job is to take care of the children in a family, usually in the children's own home.
젖주다 : to nurse a baby
ex) A young woman was nursing her baby on the train.
baby sitter : somebody engaged to take care for one or more children when the parents or guardians are not at home. v. babysit
ex) I promised to babysit for Mrs. Jones this weekend.
젖을 떼다. : to wean - to gradually stop feeding a baby or young animal on its mother's milk and start giving it ordinary food.
baby shower : 출산을 앞둔 임산부에게 일가친척 또는 친구들이 아기용품을 선물하는 파티.


cut : 벤 상처
cf. slash - n. 칼 따위로 기다랗게 벤 상처. v. 칼 등으로 베다 ex) to slash one's wrist.
gash - n. 칼 따위로 벤 길고 깊은 상처. v. 깊고 길게 상처를 입히다.
bite : 물린 상처. 물다. ex) a snake's bite : 뱀에게 물린 상처
scratch : 할퀸(긁힌) 상처. 할퀴다.
ex) A cat scratched me on the hand when I tried to hold it.
scab : 딱지
ex) The area can be very painful until scabs form after about 10 days.
stab : 찔린 상처. 찌르다
ex) He had been stabbed to death.
scar : 흉터(가 남다.)
ex) His hands were badly scarred by the fire.
bruise : 멍(들다)
ex) Her face was badly bruised in the crash.
sprain : 삐다. 삐기. ex) He fell and sprained his ankle.
fracture : 골절. 깨짐 · to suffer a fracture : 골절하다.
ex) Old people's bones are more prone to fracture.
He suffered a fractured skull.
scald : burn with hot liquid or steam. 데게 하다.
ex) A patient jumped into a bath being prepared by a member of staff and scalded herself.


hard drug : a drug that has very strong, often dangerous, effects and can cause people to become addicted.
cf. soft drug : an illegal drug considered unlikely to cause addiction or to be very harmful (e.g. marijuana)
코카인 : cocaine, coke(cocaine의 slang)
crack : a very pure form of the drug cocaine that some people take illegally for pleasure.
cocaine보다 강한 중독성의 마약.
마리화나 : marihuana slang. the pot. grass
ex) He used to smoke marihuana when he was in college.
마약중독자 : a drug addict, slang. a junky
중독된 : to be addicted, to be/get hooked on
ex) He is addicted to cocaine.
마약에 취하다 : to be intoxicated, to get high
ex) to be high on crack
마약상 : a drug dealer, a drug pusher
narcotics : 마취약, 마약
nacro : narcotics agent. slang. 마약단속관
fix : slang. an injection of a drug e.g. heroin
ex) He stole money from his girlfriend to get his next fix.
addicts looking for a fix.
(drug) overdose : 1. 마약과량복용. too much of a drug, especially more than is safe for one. 과량.
2. ifml. OD (과거형 - OD'd) : 과량을 복용하다. - to take an excessive and dangerous amount of a drug.
ex) He overdosed on heroin and went into a coma.
마약을 하다 : to do drugs (= to take drugs habitually)
ex) Has she been doing drugs or does she always act like this?


수의사 : veterinarian, vet
예방접종 : vaccination v. vaccinate
ex) Your puppy should be vaccinated before you begin teaching him to use an outdoor toilet area.
(개등을) 줄(에 매다) : n. v. leash
ex) All dogs must be on a leash in this building.
house-trained : an animal that is housebroken has been trained not to make the house dirty with its urine and feces. v. housebreak
ex) Most experts say that in house-breaking a puppy he should be corrected only if caught in the act.
불임수술을 시키다. : fix, neuter (수컷), spay(암컷)
ex) The vet recommended me to have my dog neutered but I decided not to do so.
groom : (of an animal) to take care of animals especially horses by cleaning or brushing them
kennel : 개집, 또는 a place where dogs are bred(개 사육장)
kennel club : 애견가 클럽
족보 : pedigree(사람의 족보도 됨)
breed : 1. (동식물의) 품종. ex) What breed is your dog?
2. 사육하다 人. breeder ex) She breeds German Shepherds.
순종 : pure-bred, thoroughbred
ex) He has a pure-bred Dalmatian.
먹이를 주다 : feed ex) You shouldn't feed table scraps to your dog.
(개를) 산책시키다. : to walk sb's dog
ex) Could you walk my dog while I'm out of town?


변기 : toilet ex) Don't forget to flush the toilet after you use it.
to flush the toilet : 물을 내리다. ex) Mandy accidentally flushed her ring down the toilet.
(화장실) 휴지 : toilet paper
샤워 : shower ex) I was in the shower when you called me yesterday.
샤워하다 : to take a shower
수도꼭지 : faucet. tap ex) Don't leave the tap running.
수건걸이 : towel rack
shower curtain : 샤워커튼
치약 : toothpaste ex) squeeze a tube of toothpaste.
이를 닦다 : to brush one's teeth
ex) Don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed.
칫솔 : toothbrush
빗 : comb - n. v. 빗. (머리를) 빗다.
brush - n. v. 솔빗. (머리를 솔빗으로) 빗다.
세면대 : water basin
비누 : soap ex) a bar of soap
floss : (이 사이에 낀 것을 제거하는) 실(dental floss) 또는 그 동사.
ex) You need to floss everyday to keep your teeth healthy.
욕실용 매트 : bath mat
욕조 : bathtub. tub
목욕하다 : take a bath. bathe ex) I take a hot bath before I go to bed.


옷 : clothes
복장, 옷 : attire
한벌의 옷 : suit ex) a space suit : 우주복
빨래집게 : clothes-peg. clothes-pin cf) 빨래줄 : clothes-line
옷걸이 : hanger
와이셔츠 : shirt
IDM. to lose one's shirt = to lose all of one's assets (including one's shirts)
ex) I almost lost my shirt on that deal. I have to invest wisely.
조끼 : vest ex) a bullet-proof vest : 방탄조끼
턱시도(야회복) : tuxedo. tux
멜빵바지 : overalls
망또 : cape - a sleeveless garment fastened at the throat and worn hanging over the shoulders.
ex) Superman wears a cape.
바지 : pants, trousers
반바지 : shorts
ex) Women in shorts will no be allowed in the mosque.(회교사원)
속옷 : underwear. undies.
ex) She appeared in her undies.
소매 : sleeve cf) 반팔(긴팔) 셔츠 : short(long)-sleeved shirt
소매를 걷다 : to roll up one's sleeves - But this expression also means to prepare to work or fight.
ex) Come on guys, get busy! Roll up your sleeves and go to work!
옷단 : hem ex) take up a hem of a dress to make it shorter.
바지 앞자락 : fly ex) Your fly is open. : 바지 앞이 열렸네요.
옷깃 : collar ex) 깃을 세우다. : turn up one's collar.

Labor Dispute

labor dispute : 노동쟁의
노동조합 : a labor union
파업 : strike. walk-out 총파업 : general strike
ex) Engineering staff are threatening to go out on strike.
파업하다 : to go on strike
ex) The bus drivers went on strike demanding higher wages.
노사관계 : labor relations
노사협상 : labor management negotiation (talks)
단체협약 : collective bargaining. - when a labor union engages in collective bargaining , it has talks with an employer about its members' pay and working conditions.
picket : n. 피켓. 쟁의 중 파업반대자를 감시하는 노동자.
ex) Five pickets were injured in the scuffle with police. *scuffle: n. 격투, 난투
v. to place pickets outside a place of work to prevent people from entering.
ex) The union is picketing all the company's offices.
sit-in : 연좌농성 a form of protest in which a group of people refuse to leave a factory, lecture hall, public place, etc.
ex) They staged a sit-in at the city council offices.
placard : a written or printed notice designed to be publicly displayed. e.g. by being fixed to a wall or carried on a stick.
protest : demonstration. 항의. 항변
ex) The union organized/staged a protest against the redundancies.
태업 : a slowdown - a protest in which workers deliberately work slowly and cause problems for their employers.
ex) 태업하다 : to go on a slowdown strike.


staff : 직원 ex) We need more staff in the office.
사무직원 : clergical staff
경영진 : management ex) The management is considering closing the factory.
최고경영진 : top management
관리자,부장,지배인 : manager ex) The sales/marketing/personnel manager
중간관리자 : middle management
personnel : (집합적) 전직원, 인원, 인사부 ex) sales personnel
간부 : executive CEO : Chief Executive Officer - 최고경영자, 대표이사
ex) Jack Welch is CEO of GE.
사장 : president cf. 부사장 : vice president
상무(전무)이사 : managing director
비서 : secretary ex) Please contact my secretary to make an appointment.
representative : 회사직원, 영업사원 ex) a sales representative
supervisor : 상사, 상관 cf. Subordinate : 부하직원
이사회 board of directors 이사 : board member
~부 : ~ department
ex) 경리부 : accounting department 인사부 : personnel department 영업부 : sales department
본사 : headquarter, main office cf. 지사 : branch


기업 : enterprise
모회사 : a parent company opp. 자회사 : a subsidiary company
ex) a subsidiary of General Motors
주식회사 : corporation - a body that is granted a character legally recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges and liabilities distinct from those of its members
유한주식회사 : Ame. Inc. - Incorporated.
Brit. Ltd - Limited
본사 : headquarters, main office opp. branch : 지사
ex) The bank has branches in all parts of the country.
외국인기업 : a foreign-affiliated company
계열사 : an affiliated company
복합기업 : conglomerate - a large business firm consisting of several different companies
ex) Fiat is Italy's largest industrial conglomerate.
다국적기업 : multinational corporation
중소기업 : a small and medium sized company
독점 : monopoly v. monopolize : 독점하다. adj. monopolistic
ex) Russian moves to end a stated monopoly on land ownership.
과점 : oligopoly
OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer - 다른 회사 상품 제품 제조회사
M&A : Merger and Acquisition 합병과 인수
합병하다 : to merge n. merger
ex) We can merge the two businesses into a larger and more profitable one.
takeover : the act of taking control of a company by buying most of its shares v. to take over
ex) ... the proposed $3.5 million takeover of Midland Bank by the Hong Kong and Shanghai.
A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways.
매각하다 : to sell off
ex) The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts.


고용 : employment
완전고용: full employment 종신고용: lifetime employment
recruit : 신입사원채용
취업박람회 : job fair
이력서 : resume
신청서 : an application
ex) Anyone interested in working for our company can apply in person or send in an application.
연간수입 : annual salary
초봉 : starting salary
봉급 : ☞ salary - paid to sb once a month, esp. to professional people, managers etc and usu. goes directly into their bank account
ex) Has your salary been paid into your bank account?
☞ wage - paid weekly and usu. in cash esp. to people whose job is not professional
ex) Wages at cannery are very low. * cannery : 통조림공장
pay raise : an increase in salary
연금 : annuity. pension
seniority system : 연공서열제 opp. merit system
escalator clause : a provision in a contract stipulating an increase or a decrease in wages, benefits, or prices under certain conditions, such as in charges in the cost of living
fast track : the quickest and most direct route to achieve a goal as in professional achievement
해고되다 : to get fired. to get laid off
ex) He got fired today because they found that he's a drug addict.
fringe benefit : 부가급부. 특별급여 - an additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages.
ex) My job doesn't pay much but the fringe benefits are great.
job-hop : to change jobs frequently
직업연수 : on-the-job training; OJT

Telephone #1

전화요금고지서 : phone bill
장거리전화 : long distance call cf. 국제전화 : international call
교환원 : an operator
ex) If you want to speak to an operator, dial zero.
전화하다 : to call collect/to make a collect call
통화중 대기 : call waiting
전화를 걸다 : to call somebody
ex) Call me when you get home.
전화를 끊다 : to hang up the phone
ex) He got very upset and hung up(the phone).
전화를 끊지않고 기다리다. : to hang on, to hold on
ex) He's on the other line. Would you hold on a minute?
전화를 받다. : answer the phone, pick the the phone(수화기를 들다)
ex) I called you last night but no one answered the phone.
통화중이다. : the line is busy
전화중이다. : to be on the phone
ex) I was on the phone when you came in.
Be quiet! I'm on the phone.
나중에 다시
전화하다 : to call back
ex) Could you ask Jim to call me back when he gets in?
~의 전화에
회신전화를 하다 : to return one's call
ex) Why didn't you return my call yesterday? I left a message on your answering machine.

Telephone #2

자동응답기 : answering machine
혼선되다 : the lines are crossed.
메세지를 남기다 : to leave a message
ex) He is not here now. Would you like to leave a message?
장난전화 : a prank call
코드를 뽑아놓다 : to leave somebody's phone off the hook
ex) I left my phone off the hook last night because I've been getting prank calls these days.
전화연결을 끊다 : to disconnect
ex) They disconnected the phone because I didn't pay the bill.
연결되다 : to get through
ex) At last, I managed to get through to one of the managers.
...의 전화에 회신전화를 하다 : to return one's call
ex) Why didn't you return my call yesterday? I left a message on your answering machine.
내선번호 : extension number (EXT)
toll-free (phone) number : (1-800으로 시작되는) 수신자 부담 전화번호
touch-tone phone : 전자식 전화기
ex) If you are calling from a touch-tone phone, press one.
Yellow Pages : (전화번호부의) 업종별 번호란. cf. White Pages : 개인별 전화번호부
전화번호부 : (telephone) directory. phone book
ex) I couldn't find your number in the phone directory.
무선전화기 cordless phone
휴대폰 : cellular phone. mobile phone

At work #1

...에서 근무하다. : to work for... to be with
ex) I work for SamSung.
무단결근(상습적인) : absenteeism - frequent absence from school or work, esp, without good reason.
무단결근 : AWOL(Absent WithOut Leave) esp. from military service.
ex) He's gone AWOL.
to call in sick : 아파서 결근하겠다고 전화로 알리다.
ex) I had a terrible hangover this morning so I called in sick and stayed at home all day.
명함 : business card. name card
career : 직업 - the job or profession somebody does for a long period of their life.
ex) She realized that her acting career is over.
He began his career as a teacher.
profession : a type of job that requires advanced education or training.
occupation - more formal word than job and is used especially in written English, for example on forms and official documents.
ex) occupation: accountant.
job - means particular type of paid work that somebody does or is trained to do.
ex) A : What's his job? B : He's a teacher.

contract : 계약서
ex) He has agreed salary terms and is ready to sign the new contract.
동료 : co-worker, colleague
ex) Without consulting his colleagues, he flew from London to Paris...
mentor : a trusted adviser of somebody with little experience
protege : a young person who is helped and guided by an older or experienced person over a period of time
ex) He had been a protege of Captain James.
직무내용설명서 : job description
휴가 : vacation - the regular periods of time when you are not at work or school each year.
ex) paid vacation : 유급휴가
Where are you going on vacation this year?
leave - permission to be absent from work for a special reason. also used as an official word for holiday.
ex) She's on maternity leave. 그녀는 출산휴가중이다.

At work #2

승진하다 : to be promoted n. promotion opp. to be demoted.
ex) Richard was promoted to vice president.
해고하다 : to fire somebody. to dismiss somebody. to lay off somebody.
ex) workers who have been unfairly dismissed form their jobs.
350 employees were laid off because of the lack of new orders.
해고통지서 : pink slip
...대신 일하다 : to fill in for
ex) My partner is on vacation this week so I'm filling in for her.
월급인상 : raise
ex) Within 3 months, Jim got a raise.
월급날 : payday
ex) Until the next payday, I was literally without any money.
paycheck : 월급으로 주는 수표. 월급.
ex) They have worked for about two weeks without a paycheck.
사임하다 : to resign n. resignation
ex) A hospital administrator has resigned over claims that he lied to get the job.
은퇴하다 : to retire n. retirement
ex) The company's official retiring age is 55.
overtime : 초과근무. 시간외 노동 - working hours in addition to those of a regular schedule. .
ex) They are working overtime to get the job finished.
punch a (time)
clock : (출근 퇴근때에) 타임레코더로 시각을 찍다. - to record the time that you start or finish work by putting a card into a special machine.
파업하다 : to go on strike
ex) The engineering staff are threatening to go on strike.
to be stressed out : to suffer from stress. under great pressure so that one is tense, anxious or worried.
ex) She has a heavy workload at the moment and is very stressed out.
cf. stressful - causing stress.
ex) She finds her new job very stressful.
I think I got the most stressful jobs there is.


도살업자 : butcher cf. 도살장 : slaughterhouse
도살하다 : to butcher. to slaughter ex) slaughter pigs by humane methods
닭고기 : chicken
소고기 : beef ref. corned beef : beef which has been cooked and preserved in salt water
송아지고기 : veal ref. 송아지 : calf
돼지고기 : pork ex) Muslim don't eat pork.
베이컨 : bacon - salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig
[idiom] bring home the bacon : (infml) to achieve sth successfully.
양고기 : mutton ex) mutton stew
사슴고기 : venison ref. 사슴 : deer
즙이 많은 : succulent - adj. (esp. meat or vegetables) juicy and delicious
juicy - adj. very enjoyable to eat and having a lot of juice
ex) a thick, juicy steak
부드러운. 연한 : tender - adj. easy to cut or chew
질긴 : tough - difficult to cut and chew
ex) The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.
chop : a thick slice of meat usually including a rib ex) lamb/pork chop
등심 : sirloin (허리상부의 살) - beef cut from the vest part of the back of a cow
ex) sirloin steak
갈비 : rib
사태 : beef shank
안심 : lean meat of short ribs
양지머리 : brisket - meet cut from the breast of an animal ex) brisket of beef
엉덩이살 : rump - a piece of beef cut from near the cow's buttocks
가슴살 : breast - the part of an animal or a bird corresponding to the human breast esp. when eaten as food
ex) chicken breasts.
다리 : drumstick - the lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken, turkey(칠면조)...
날개 : wing ex) chicken wing
똥집(사낭(砂囊)) : gizzard
Buffalo wings : fried chicken wings served with hot sauce and blue cheese dressing

Household chores

설거지하다 : to do the dishes
ex) He doesn't lift a finger around the house, so I made him do the dishes yesterday.
잔디깍다 : to mow the lawn (mow : /mou/ v. 베다, /mau/ n. 건초)
ex) Harry is out in the garden mowing the lawn.
잔디깍는 기계 : a lawn mower
(청소기로) : to vacuum
ex) Jake! Would you vacuum the floor?
빨래하다 : to do the laundry cf. the laundry : 세탁물. 빨래
ex) He put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket.
쓸다 : to sweep
ex) Carl swept the path in front of the house.
idiom> to sweep sth under the carpet : to keep sth a secret esp. sth you have done wrong.
ex) For a long time this problem has swept under the carpet.

(자루걸레로) : to mop cf. 자루걸레 : a mop
ex) Can you mop up the milk you've spilled?
세차하다 : to wash the car
ex) Wash your car. It's too dirty.
정원을 손질하다 : to do the garden. to garden
ex) He's been gardening all day.
쓰레기를 내다
버리다 : to take out the garbage cf. 쓰레기 통 : a garbage bin
ex) John! Take out the garbage and mow the lawn before I get back.
잠자리를 정돈하다 : to make the bed - to arrange the sheets and covers of a bed so that it is ready to sleep in.
다림질하다 : to iron. to do the ironing. to press
ex) Have you ironed my shirt?
I hate doing the ironing.
There's a couple of dresses to be pressed.
개를 산책시키다 : to walk the dog
ex) I need someone to walk my dog while I'm away.
먼지를 닦다 : to dust - to remove dust(먼지) usually using a cloth.
ex) Could you dust the dining room?
닦다 : to wipe - to rub a surface with a cloth in order to remove dirt, liquid, etc.
ex) I wiped the table with a damp cloth.
윤을 내다 : to polish
ex) polish furniture

Religion #1

불교 : Buddhism cf. 부처 : Buddha 열반 : nirvana
힌두교 : Hinduism
기독교 : Christianity 기독교인 : Christian
천주교 : Catholicism 천주교인 : Catholic
개신교 : Protestantism 개신교인 : Protestant
유교 : Confucianism 공자 : Confucius
교황 : pope
추기경 : cardinal - any of a group of senior Roman Catholic priests who elect the Pope.
주교 : bishop - a senior priest in charge of the work of the church in a city or district
군목 : chaplain
목사, 성직자 : minister. Clergyman. Pastor. Priest. Peverend
성직자가 되다 : to enter the ministry
랍비 : rabbi
대성당 : cathedral - a large church, which is the main church of a particular area under the control of a bishop
예배당 : chapel
교회 : church
침례교회 : Baptist church
감리교회 : Methodist church
장로교회 : Presbyterian church

Religion #2

회교사원 : mosque cf. 신전.절 : temple
순례여행 : pilgrimage - a journey to a holy place for religious reasons
ex) a pilgrimage to Mecca. cf. Pilgrim Fathers : the group of English people who arrived to settle at Plymouth, Massachusetts in the U.S, 1620.
수도사 : monk cf. 수녀 : nun
수도원 : monastery(남자수도사들이 있는) cf. Convent : 수녀원
성서 : Bible ref. 구약성서 : Old Testament 신약성서 : New Testament
예배 : service - a formal religious ceremony
ex) The Reverend James Wilkins will conduct the service. (=be in charge of the service)
congregation a group of people gathered in a church
ex) The Congregation knelt to pray.
성가대 : choir ref. 찬송가 : hymn
선교사 : missionary ex) She spent 20 years in Africa as a missionary.
고백하다 : confess - to tell a priest or God about wrong things you have done so that you can be forgiven. n. confession
기도하다 : pray n. 기도 : prayer
ex) They went to the mosque to pray. / Let us pray for her./ We had to say prayers before we went to bed.
설교하다 : preach 설교 : sermon
ex) The pastor preached a sermon on brotherly love.
Baptize : 세례하다. ...에게 세례명을 지어주다. ex) She was baptized Sheila Jane.
성인 : saint ex) Saint Patrick
also ifml. Somebody who is extremely good, kind or patient.
ex) His wife must have been a saint to put up with him for all those years.
환생 : reincarnation cf. 전생 : former life
ex) Hindus believe in reincarnation
죄(를 짓다) : n. v. sin - n. disobedience to God. / v. to break God's laws
ex) Bible says adultery is a sin.

Postal service

우체부 : mailman. postman
우표 : stamp
ex) I'd like three first-class stamps, please.
우편요금 : postage
ex) What's the postage on that parcel?
봉투 : envelope ex) an airmail envelope.
우체통 : mailbox
우체국 : post office
사서함 : P. O. Box - Post Office Box
반송하다 : forward - to send a letter received at the address a person has recently moved away from, to her or his new address.
ex) I've written 'please forward' on the envelope.
주소 : address ex) What's your name and address?
수신인 : addressee
발신인 주소 : return address
우편번호 : zip code
postmark : n. 소인 v. 소인을 찍다.
postmarked - adj. having a postmark with the specified place, time etc on it.
ex) This letter was postmarked Tokyo 9 Mar.
등기우편 : registered mail
속달 : express mail
ex) I need the document by the end of this week, so you would send it by express mail.
배달증면우편 : certified mail
전자우편 : electronic mail. e-mail.
ex) What's your e-mail address?
courier service : 택배회사. 속달서비스 회사.(DHL이나 UPS같은 회사)
ex) Use a courier service to send the documents in time.
courier ; a messenger who transports parcels or important papers.
ex) We sent the documents by courier.
소포 : parcel. package
ex) There's a parcel for you.
A postman delivered a large package.
mail : 우편으로 보내다. 우송하다 - to send sth by post
ex) Don't forget to mail these letters.
I'll mail it to you tomorrow.


fry : 튀기다
boil : 끓이다. 삶다. ex) Please boil an egg for me.
simmer : 부글부글 끓이다. - to stay or make sth stay almost at boiling point.
ex) Simmer the stew for an hour.
broil : 굽다. - broil flat pieces of meat or fish etc on a fire or over metal bars.
roast : (오븐에) 굽다. - roast large pieces of meat, potatoes, etc in some oil in the heat of an oven or over a fire.
ex) I personally would rather roast a chicken whole.
frizzle : 지글지글 튀기다. ex) bacon frizzling in the pan.
sizzle : 지글지글 소리를 내다.
ex) The sausages and burgers sizzled on the barbecue.
steam : 찌다. ex) steamed broccoli.
saute : 기름에 살짝 튀기다.
ex) saute small pieces of vegetables, etc very quickly in a little oil.
saute the onions for 5 minutes.
bake : 굽다.
ex) I'm baking cookies for my sisters.
chop : 자르다.
ex) Chop the meat into cubes before frying it.
mash : 짓이겨서 걸쭉하게 만들다. ex) mashed potato
섞다 : mix - 각요소가 (대체로) 같은 것이 될 때. to make or prepare sth by putting several substances or ingredients together and stirring or shaking them so that they're no longer distinct.
ex) Mix the ingredients together slowly.
blend - 다른 종류의 것을 섞어서 희망하는 품질을 만들어 낼 때- to mix one thing with another.
ex) Blend the eggs with milk.
stir : 휘젓다. ex) There she was, stirring sugar into her tea.
mince : 다지다. - to cut food, esp meat into very small pieces in a machine with revolving blades.
whip (달걀, 크림 등을) 세게 휘저어 거품이 일게 하다.
ex) Whip the cream until thick.
whisk : to stir very fast, often with electric device, so that it becomes light and fluffy.
ex) Just before serving, whisk the cream.
marinate : if you marinate meat or fish, or if it marinates, you keep it in a mixture of oil, vinegar, spices and herbs before cooking it, so that it can develop a special flavor.
ex) Marinate the chicken for at least 4 hours.
grind : 갈다. ex) ground beef
crush : 으깨다 - to break sth firm or hard into small pieces or into powder by pressing.
ex) First crush the biscuits, then mix them with the butter.
squeeze : 짜다. - to get water or juice out of sth by pressing it or twisting it hard.
ex) Squeeze the juice out of a lemon.


참새 : sparrow
까치 : magpie
까마귀 : crow
crow's feet : lines in the skin around the outer corner of the eye. 눈가의 주름
타조 : ostrich.
ostrich also mean sb who refuses to face unpleasant facts.
ex) The ostriches who still believes that there won't be any war.
독수리 : eagle. scavenger. cf. 새끼 독수리 : eaglet
ref. eagle - golf. a score of two strokes less than the average score
매 : hawk
polit) a person who favors aggressive policies in foreign affairs.
송골매 : falcon
백조 : swan
앵무새 : parrot
parrot also means someone who repeats someone else's words or copies their actions without thinking.
오리 : duck cf. 새끼오리 : duckling
to duck : to move one's head or upper body down quickly so as to avoid being seen or hit.
ex) A plate flew across the room and he instantly ducked.
학 : crane
갈매기 : gull. seagull
비둘기 : pigeon. dove
polit) a person esp. a politician who favors peace and negotiations rather than war.
제비 : swallow
IDM> one swallow doesn't make a summer : a single fortunate or satisfactory incident doesn't mean that what follows will be good.
공작새 : peacock - 수컷. peahen - 암컷
종달새 : skylark
올빼미 : owl
ex) Owls are traditionally regarded as wise.
hoot : the cry of an owl
꿩 : pheasant
불사조 : phoenix - a bird of Arabian desert, said to live for several hundred years before burning itself and then being born again from its ashes.
딱따구리 : woodpecker
날개 : wing
under sb's wing : being helped by sb and shown by him/her what to do, where things are etc. especially when one is in a new place or situation.
ex) He immediately took the new secretary under his wing.
to wing it : to improvise
깃털 : feather
IDM> ruffle sb's feather : to upset or annoy sb
부리 : beak
쪼다 : peck
ex) The birds had pecked a hole in the sack
새장 : birdcage
둥지 : nest
조류학 : ochithology
bird's-eye view : 조감도. 전경
ex) From the plane, we had a bird's-eye view of Manhattan.


점 : point cf. 선 : line 면 : side
평면 : plane
(직)선의 : linear
가로 : width cf. 세로: length 높이 : height
포물선 : parabola
쌍곡선 : hyperbola
평행의 : parallel cf. 직선의 : perpendicular 대각선의 : diagonal
경사 : slope
오목함 : concavity adj. concave
접선 : tangent

ex) If a line intersects a circle at one and only one point, the line is said to be a tangent to the circle. The point common to a circle and a tangent to the circle is called the point of tangency. The radius from the corner to the point of tangency is perpendicular to the tangent.
각 : angle cf. 각도 : degree
한점에 모이다 : converge n. convergence adj. convergent
ex) Parallel lines converge at infinity.
둘레의 길이 : perimeter
부피 : volume cf. 면적 : area
도형. 도표 : diagram
삼각형 : triangle adj. triangular
cf. 정삼각형 : equilateral triangle 직각삼각형 : right-angled triangle
이등변삼각형 : isosceles triangle
합동 : congruence
ex) Two triangles are congruent if two pairs of corresponding sides and the corresponding included angles are equal.
정사각형 : square cf. 직사각형 : rectangle 마름모 : rhombus
오각형 : pentagon cf. 육각형 : hexagon
원 : circle cf. 타원 : oval
구 : sphere adj. spherical
반지름 : radius cf. 지름 : diameter
정육면체 : cube
ex) In the accompanying diagram ABCD is a rectangle. The area of isosceles right triangle ABE=7 and EC=3(BE). The area of ABCD is?

ANS. - 56
출처: 기독교상담실
원본 : 주제별 단어모음