Oh give me a home
Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam, Where the deer and the antelope play, Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the skies are not cloudy all day. Chorus: Home, home on the range, where the deer and the antelope play, Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the skies are not cloudy all day. Where the air is so pure, and the zephyrs so free, The breezes so balmy and light, Th..
2008.07.02 -
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts Mutilated monkey meat, dirty little pigeon's feet All mixed up with a pile of poison possum pus and me without my spoon And me without my spoon and me without spoon Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts and me without my spoon We'll use a straw! GreatGreenGobs.mp3
2008.07.02 -
He's got the whole world in his hands
He's got the whole world in his hands He's got the whole world in his hands He's got the whole world in his hands He's got the whole world in his hands He's got the wind and the rain in his hands [Repeat 3x] He's got the whole world in his hands He's got the sun and the moon . . . He's got the little bitty baby . . . He's got you and me brother . . . He's got everybody here . . . WholeWorldInHis..
2008.07.02 -
Of a bicycle built for two
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do I'm half crazy all for the love of you It won't be a stylish marriage I can't afford a carriage But you'll look sweet, upon the seat Of a bicycle built for two BicycleBuiltForTwo.mp3
2008.07.02 -
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found Was blind but now I see Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home When we've been ther..
2008.07.02 -
London Bridge is falling down,
LondonBridge.mp3 London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, My fair Lady. Build it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, wood and clay, Build it up with wood and clay, My fair Lady. Wood and clay will wash away, Wash away, wash away, Wood and clay will wash away, My fair Lady. Build it up with silver and gold, Silver and gold, silver and gold, Buil..
2008.07.02 -
Do you like ( ... 를 좋아하니? )
Do you like ( ... 를 좋아하니? ) ice cream (아이스크림) lemons (레몬들) peppers (고추의 식물, 후추류의 식물들) onions (양파들) Yes, I do (네 좋아해요.) No, I don't (아니요, 안좋아해요) doyoulike.mp3
2008.07.02 -
deep and wide
깊고도 넓고도 깊고도 넓고도 깊고 넓은 새물 흐르네 깊고도 넓고도 깊고 넓은 새물 흐르네 Deep and wide, deep and wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide.(2회) Deepandwide.mp3
2008.07.02 -
100% Winner(승리의 보증수표:박지성)
Football / Statbunker News 100% Winner Published: 02-04-2008 The Park Factor United’s South Korean International Ji Sung Park was a surprise selection to some ahead of last nights match with Roma but he has started 16 matches over the last two seasons and Manchester United have won all 16 games. This is an amazing run of results, Park who has been plagued by injury in this time is Sir Alex Fer..
2008.04.03 -
영어회화를 위한 필수 100가지 표현
영어회화를 위한 필수 100가지 표현 0. Once... “일단... 하면” 라는 표현을 할 때 Once you lose someone's trust, it's really hard to get it back 일단신용을 잃으면 만회하기가 정말 힘들다 Once he makes up his mind to do something, he does it. 일단 한다고 하면 그는 한다. Once you open that window, you'll never be able to close it. 일단 그 창..
2008.03.31 -
< English conversation > 1. Lie on your stomach. ( 엎드려 누우세요. ) 비슷한 표현 => Lie on your front. Lie facedown. 2. Lie on your back. ( 드러누우세요. ) 비슷한 표현 => Lie back. 3. Lie on your side. ( 옆으로 누우세요. ) 4. Could you take off your shirt? ( 셔츠를 벗으세요. ) 5. Like this? ( 이렇게요? ) 6. He made room for a physically hand..
2008.03.31 -
간단한 생활영어 500
간단한 생활영어 500 (A) A piece of cake. 식은 죽 먹기지요 Absolutely. 절대적으로 그렇지요 After you. 먼저 가시지요 Always. 항상 그렇지요 Amazing. 신기 하군요 And then? 그리고 나서는요? Any good ideas? 어떤 좋은 생각 있어요? Any time. 언제라도요 Anybody home? 집에 누구있어요? Anything else? 그 밖에 뭐 있어요? Are you in l..
2008.03.31 -
생활영어 180문장
1. How should I address you? 뭐라고 부를까요? 2. I know him inside and out. 저 그 사람 잘 알아요. 3. How many are there in your family? 가족 수가 몇 명이세요? 4. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 형제자매가 몇 명이세요? 5. You look young for your age. 나이에 비해서 어려 보이시네요. 6. How old do I look? 몇 살로 보여요? 7. Where do yo..
2008.03.31 -
번역 관련 프로그램
번역 관련 프로그램 ─◐◐◐ 한영.영한번역 번역프로그램 toandto번역 영한 웹번역① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 영어문장 번역 웹.단문번역 문단번역.웹번역 6개 국어 번역사이트 Translation IM Translator Free_translator 영어.일어 번역 언제나 좋은날 되세요 원본 : ◇ 번역 관련 프로그램
2008.03.31 -
어린이 영어 공부
영어 동화 어디에서 잘까요? 개구장이 원숭이 무얼 그릴까? 앵두나무 잘먹겠습니다 꽃이 피었네 어떻게 할까요 심술장이 찬바람 별가족 공원에 친구들 개나리와 진달래 재미있게 보세요 위의 책들은..어린이를 위한 책이기 때문에..쉽고 정확한 발음을 사용하였습니다. 영어 초보자들이나..영어를..막..