한국의 민주주의를 염려하는 재유럽학자 공동성명

2009. 6. 19. 22:53일반/역사·영어·컴퓨터


유럽의 대학 및 연구기관에서 학술활동에 몸담고 있는 우리들은 한국에 깊은 애정을 가지고, 본 성명서를 통해 현 이명박 정권 하에 이루어진 최근의 정치, 경제, 사회적 변화가 입증하는 민주주의의 심각한 후퇴에 깊은 우려를 표명한다.

1987년 6월 항쟁 이후, 한국의 민주주의는 느리지만 꾸준히 발전해 왔다. 그러나 현 정부 집권 이후 벌어진 일련의 사태들은 민주사회의 기본 원칙인 언론과 사상의 표현, 결사, 참여의 자유가 심각하게 침해되는 등 한국 사회의 민주주의가 1987년 이전으로 되돌아가고 있음을 보여주었다.

또한 민주적인 절차를 통해 선출된 정권의 정당성은 권력의 공정한 운용과 그에 대한 국민의 신뢰를 기반으로 함에도 불구하고, 현 정부는 이와 같은 기본적인 민주주의 전제를 무시하고, 위임된 권력을 자의적으로 운용하여 정부의 신뢰성을 크게 떨어뜨려 왔다.

이에 우리는 현 정부가 아래와 같이 잘못들을 바로잡고 민주사회의 기본원칙들을 회복하여, 한국사회의 지속적인 발전을 실현할 수 있도록 강력히 촉구한다.

첫째, 교육과 연구를 포함한 학술활동에 대한 부당한 개입 중지

유례없이 강도 높은 감사 및 정부부처의 부당한 교과과정 개입 등으로 촉발된 한국예술종합학교 사태는 교육과 연구를 기반으로한 학술활동에 대한 심각한 사상적 검열을 예증한다. 이에 우리는 현 정부가 학술활동의 자율성을 억압하는 일체의 행위를 중지할 것을 촉구한다.

둘째, 언론과 표현의 자유 보장

MBC 피디수첩 관계자 등 국민의 알 권리를 충족시키고자 한 언론인들이 구속되고, 각종 언론기관이 친정부 인사로 대체되어 왔다. 현 정부는 인터넷을 통해 선거 혁명을 꽃피운 나라에서 인터넷 실명제 및 정부의 통제권한 강화를 기획하여 대한민국을 인터넷 경찰국가로 변모시키려 하고 있다. 또한 헌법에 보장된 양심의 자유에 따라 시국선언에 참여한 교사들을 징계할 것을 예고하는 등 표현의 자유를 억압해 왔다. 이에 우리는 정부가 인터넷를 통제하려는 시도를 포기하고 비판적 언론과 시국선언 교사들에 대한 탄압을 중지함으로써 언론과 표현의 자유 보장에 대한 의지를 천명하도록 촉구한다.

셋째, 공권력 남용 중지 및 집회, 결사의 자유 보장

지난 해, 국제사면위원회(Amnesty International)가 우려를 나타냈듯이, 정부는 경찰력을 오·남용하여 평화로운 촛불집회를 폭력적으로 진압하고, 시민들의 소유물인 시청광장 및 주요 공공장소를 자의적으로 사전 봉쇄하는 등 자발적인 정치참여의 일환인 평화적 집회와 결사의 자유를 곳곳에서 침해해 왔다. 이에 우리는 정부가 부당한 공권력 남용을 중지하고 민주사회 시민의 기본 권리인 집회 및 결사의 자유를 보장하도록 강력히 촉구한다.

넷째, 국민 의사가 반영된 국정 운영

국민여론의 반대에 의해 폐기된 한반도 대운하 사업계획을 4대강 정비사업으로 되살려 내려는 시도는 현 정부에 의한 국정 운영의 독단적인 모습을 대변한다. 이에 우리는 정부가 국민 의사를 무시한 국정 운영과 정책을 포기하고 겸허한 자세로 국민 의사를 적극 수렴하여 국정에 반영하기를 촉구한다.

다섯째, 사회경제적 약자의 생존권 보장

최근의 경제위기 속에 사회경제적 약자의 권익이 침해될 우려가 더욱 심각해지고 있음에도 불구하고, 현 정부는 비정규직 노동자 문제와, 용산 철거민 참사에서 드러났듯이, 사회경제적 약자의 생존권 보장에 철저히 무관심해 왔다. 이에 우리는 정부가 도시 빈민 등 사회경제적 약자의 기본 생존권을 위해 진지하고 근본적인 대안들을 마련하고, 상생의 원칙에 입각한 사회정의를 구현하기를 촉구한다.

■ 서명자 명단 및 한줄성명 (영문 알파벳 순 - 총32인)

 Dr. ARABINDOO, Pushpa University College London


 Dr. ARBACI, Sonia University College London

 “Democracy based on communication and participation and for freedom of research without censoring!”


 Dr. ASKINS, Kye Northumbria University


 Professor CHANG, Hasok University College London


 Dr. CHANG, Dae-oup School of Oriental and African Studies

 “정치, 경제, 사회적 민주주의를 열망하는 시민, 노동자 분들과 함께 합니다”


 Dr. CHARI, Sharad London School of Economics and Political Science

 “Resist the erosion of democratic foundations of freedom of assembly and expression!”


 Dr. CHEKAR, Choon Key Cardiff University

 “I want South Korea to move forward, not backward, and I am not talking about economy!”


 Dr. CHOI, Syngjoo University College London

 “권력자의 뜻에 좌지우지되지 않는 건강한 민주주의 제도의 정착을 염원하며”

 Dr. CHOI, Young Jun University of Bath

 “상식이 통하는 사회를 원합니다”


 Dr. DALE, Gareth Brunel University

 “Democracy based on communication and participation and freedom of research without censoring!”


 Dr. ELFVING-HWANG, Joanna Sheffield Hallam University / The University of Sheffield

 “Safeguard democracy based on communication and participation and freedom of research without censoring in South Korea”


 Professor FORREST, Ray University of Bristol / City University of Hong Kong

 “I wish to express my grave concern about recent events in South Korea which are threatening academic freedom and democratic participation”


 Professor GANDY, Matthew University College London



 Dr. GRAY, Kevin University of Sussex


 Mr. HUR, Joon-Young Freie Universitat Berlin

 “Alle Macht Geht Vom Volk Aus”


 Professor HUSSAIN, Athar London School of Economics and Political Science


 Dr. KIM, Soyeun University of Leeds

 “연구자의 중립성을 위협하는 사상적 검열을 반대한다”


 Dr. KWON, Heonik University of Edinburgh

 “I believe that the politics of pragmatism include the will and willingness to be pragmatical about the voices against pragmatism”


 Dr. LEE, Hyangjin The University of Sheffield / Rikkyo University


 Dr. MELACHROINOS, Konstantinos Queen Mary, University of London

 “Freedom of research without censoring”


 Dr. MILLER, Owen School of Oriental and African Studies

 “I offer my solidarity with the Korean people in their struggle to defend the democratic rights they have fought for against the authoritarianism of the Lee Myung-bak government.”


 Dr. MITCHELL, Gerry London School of Economics and Political Science

 “Respect the right to freedom of expression and association”


 Dr. MITSUI, Hideko University of St Andrews

 “In support of those who fight for Korea‘s democracy”


 Dr. PARK, Kyunga Imperial College London

 “정의롭기에 불익을 받는 게 아니라 성공할 수 있는 상/식/적/인 사회를 희망합니다.”


 Professor PARK (Tikhonov), Noja (Vladimir) Oslo University

 “Emphasizing the right of speech and assembly - the main criterion of the democratic development, which seems to suffer a lot under the present extreme right-wing regime”


 Dr. SEO, Myung Hwan London School of Economics and Political Science

 “Back to the democracy; in our family and in our country”


 Dr. SHIN, HaeRan University College London

 “국민 속이고 4대강 죽이기는 그만!”



 Dr. SHIN, Hyun Bang London School of Economics and Political Science

 “학문, 표현, 결사의 자유 및 약자의 권익 보장을 국내, 국제 정치에서 실천하는 대한민국을 염원합니다”


 Professor SHIN, Yongcheol University of Leeds

 “Democracy based on communication and participation”


 Dr. SONN, Jung Won University College London

 “교육과 연구의 자유를 한예종에”


 Dr. STEVENS, Quentin University College London

 “Freedom of expression is vital to education and to research”


 Dr. YEON, Jaehoon School of Oriental and African Studies


■ 영문 성명서 전문 As of 19 June 2009

Signed Appeal Concerning Democracy in Korea

by Academics Resident in Europe

We researchers and university professors in Europe share our best interests in the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred as Korea) and sign this appeal to express our grave concern over the country’s democracy in a major set-back, which is evident in a series of political, economic and social changes brought about under the current Lee Myung-bak administration (hereinafter referred as the Administration).

While we are proud that Korea has achieved slow but steady progress in bringing its democracy forwards since the nation-wide democratic movement in June 1987, the series of recent events only prove that the Korean society is seeing its clock turned backwards beyond 1987, with such fundamentals of any democracy as freedom of thought, expression, assembly and association seriously undermined.

It is generally agreed that impartial efforts to exercise power and the underlying public confidence are the key to the legitimacy of a political regime constituted through democratic elections. The current Administration has however continued to ignore this critical premise of democracy and abuse its delegated power, leaving the society in a drastic deterioration of public confidence.

For the Administration to rectify its failing to deliver on the fundamentals of democracy and for the Korean society to redeem its prospects for further and sustainable developments, we, the undersigned, hereby strongly urge the Administration to:

1. Stop unjustified interventions into academic activities, including teaching and research

Professors and students at the Korea National University of Arts have recently set protests against the government interventions into the school‘s curriculums. The authorities also implemented audits pressed hard upon the school and found far from convincing or acceptable not only in terms of their level of intensity but also justifiability in question.

We recognise this case as that of serious ideological censorship re-emerging to operate in Korean academia which builds on as much teaching and research activities as anywhere else, and therefore urge the Administration to put an end to all sorts of such vigils that oppress academic freedom.

2. Ensure freedom of expression

We note with great concern that arrests have been made, targeting media workers that included journalists from the Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) and that a number of key figures in the press and media institutions were replaced by supporters of the Administration.

Korea was once a pioneering country that led to the blossoming of democracy with assistance of the Internet. The Administration is however pushing hard on the online community in an attempt to turn the country into a police regime where authoritarian control and terms of access to online activities are to be tightened.

It is more worrying that the authorities have also issued warnings of disciplinary measures to be taken against those school teachers who exercised their constitutional rights to freedom of conscience and participated in public appeals in relation to the current state of affairs.

We hereby urge the Administration to ultimately declare its will to guarantee freedom of expression and as its first steps, to stop its attempts to attain control over cyberspace and critical voices from media and school teachers.

3. Stop abuse of public force and ensure freedom of assembly and association

Last year, Amnesty International expressed grave concern over the excessive use of police force when dispersing peaceful protesters during candlelight vigils. Freedom of assembly and association are now often infringed upon by the authorities that deny protesters’ access to major public spaces around town, restraining the citizens from exercising their rights to participate in political agendas.

Therefore, we hereby strongly urge the Administration to stop abuse of public force and guarantee freedom of assembly and association found essential to any democracy and its citizens.

4. Empower the voices of the public

The Administration‘s dogmatic attitudes and approaches can be well illustrated via its constant attempts to enforce the Four Rivers Project whose frameworks are basically the same as the Great Canal Plan that was once marked by severe public opposition and then discarded subsequently.

We hereby urge the Administration to end its indifference towards the voices of the public, empower public opinion and work to share their values for better policy administration.

5. Ensure the right to survival for the vulnerable groups

The Administration has completely been indifferent to vulnerable groups in the society, despite the fact that their social and economic interests are in greater danger than ever amid the serious economic recession. And this has well been witnessed through the Administration’s indifferent approaches to irregular workers as well as through the inhumane incident at the site of the Yong-San redevelopment project which led to many deaths of the evicted.

We hereby urge the Administration to adopt substantial and profound measures in order to ensure the fundamental right to survival for those vulnerable, such as the urban poor, in socio-economic terms and work further to realise social justice founded upon the principles of mutual benefits and sharing for the society.


문경새재... 조령관문....





























































































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